Chessington South
The proposed development is a sensitive use of the site for a mix of leisure, community and low density housing. The site is well served by Chessington South train station and other existing local infrastructure. The mix of residential uses provides family housing, affordable homes and retirement facilities catering for a wide sector of the community.
Part of Bracknell’s masterplan for the Warfield extension to provide 2000 new homes. The site had a number of constraints including protected trees, Special Protection Areas and a flood zone from the Bull Brook.
Despite Bracknell’s allocation for residential development the negotiations were extensive and are still ongoing. The main points of discussion being infrastructure and co-ordination with the adjoining sites.
MAA were appointed by Berkeley Urban Developments from feasibility during the bid process through to a detailed Planning submission.
The large site had numerous constraints being located on the edge of Richmond Park within a Conservation Area, with a Building of Townscape Merit, numerous listed trees, adjacent to a nature Conservation Area. The site also straddles the boundary between two London boroughs.
The approved scheme achieves 75 houses, with 7 apartments located within the locally listed Latchmere House.